On the high street most stores now have a projecting sign along with their main fascia sign to help maximise the visual advertising of the store. These projection signs come in all shape and sizes and are usually double sided. The illumination of these signs throws up various issues and we can combat these with LED systems specifically designed for these applications.
One option when illuminating a double sided sign is to mount LED on either side of a central carrier panel. This option is fine when the sign is deep enough to allow for the LED to illuminate the sign correctly with no spotting to the face – usually a minimum of 120mm is required to allow for this.
In some situations the signs can be as slim as 75mm deep which means they are too shallow to mount LED in this manner. For these signs we have edge lighting LED systems which can be mounted around the edges of the sign to give an even illumination. By using the LED modules in this way install times can be dramatically decreased, and in some cases costs can be minimised as less LED product needs to be used.
Another type of illuminated sign seen more often these days are totems. These give extra visual impact in wayfinding signage, as a landmark or for passing traffic.